Squirrel? No problem.

A calming mountain forest retreat in Julian, CA is the perfect rural setting for both you and your dog to embark on a positive reinforcement training journey.

Serving the Southern California region from San Diego to Los Angeles.

Do you long to experience joyful, stress-free moments with your dog, but struggle with common behavioral issues?

Is it your dream to understand your dog's behavior and confidently make training decisions?

Are you ready to build a calm and confident canine companion who thrives in a variety of situations and loves learning with you?


Project Management for Dog Training? Absolutely.

Hi, I’m Chip, a Karen Pryor Academy Certified Training Partner. Combining my experience in professional project management with my passion for animal behavior, my unique approach goes beyond your dog’s training to ensure you have the tools and resources to reach your goals. Think of me as your dog training coach, empowering you to continue your training journey with pride, knowledge, and confidence.

Board and train packages

Whether you seek foundational training, mastery in outdoor adventure, or service dog skills, I offer a variety of positive reinforcement programs to suit your needs. Each package includes three weeks of immersive onsite training for your dog, followed by three weeks of coaching to transfer your dog’s new training.

Training humans to train their dogs

After your dog’s onsite board and training, it’s time to get you set up for success at home! We begin three weeks of project management methodology complete with the tools and resources you need to continue building the lasting connection you both deserve.

Daily Feedback

Each day, I’ll review your entires in our Shared Training Log (videos, questions, etc.) and provide personalized feedback.

Weekly Homework

You’ll get personalized homework with written explanations and video demonstrations tailored to your family’s learning pace and your dog’s progress.

Progress Meetings

Each week, I’ll schedule video or in-person meetings to discuss your training progress and provide detailed training instructions for the upcoming week.

Shared Training Log

I’ll set up an online tool to organize training video links, written instructions, Q&A, and daily assigned training goals.

Targeted Exercises

I’ll coach you through a series of dog training activities from mat work to games to leash manners.

Homework Video Library

I’ll create a library showcasing video footage of your dog’s training using the same techniques you’ll be learning.

 Chip! I just wanted to let you know how incredibly thankful I am for your training. I just took Yeti to the dog park and walked him around the path. Holy cow! He mostly loose leashed and often reoriented without any prompt. He listened when I said let's go and explored but was willing to keep moving after a little bit. He watched someone weed whack and birds jumping without barking and only one jump! I literally teared up on the walk because he is a totally different dog. He is becoming such a good dog and I just can't thank you enough! "